Waterfall weekend. All weekend long. Met up with Chris B, Dale, Donald and Justin in Hau’ula to explore Kaipapau Gulch.
Safe from the neighborhood dogs. Photo by Justin Hirako.
The rain that was pounding the rest of the island still hadn’t caught up with us.
We passed the junction to the bunkers on our way down to the stream.
Everybody was trying not to get their feet wet on the first crossing. Some were more successful than the others.
Why did the hikers cross the stream? To get to the other side.
We were going to crisscross the stream for at least 30 more times until we got to the waterfall. Who’s keeping count? Not me.
Hiking underneath the tree filtered sunlight.
The multiple stream crossings were for the most part, marked by faded numbered ribbons, denoting the crossing number.
How many stream crossings have we done so far? Anybody keeping count? Donald? Photo by Justin Hirako.
Towards the end of the gulch, it became easier to walk in the streambed than crisscrossing from bank to bank. Just stay wet.
The canyon walls soon started to rise and close in as we made our way further upstream. Not as claustrophobic as nearby gulches.
The discharge rate increased, a telling sign that we were getting closer to the waterfall.
We climbed over the jumbled rocks and boulders that were collected near the base of the falls.
The 90′ waterfall. Quite the show.
Slippery when wet. Photo by Justin Hirako.
Group photo left to right: Chris B, Dale, Justin, Donald and myself. Photo by Justin Hirako.
It was time to head back as the rain had finally caught up with us. We did not want to be stuck in a gulch under potential flash flood conditions.
Swimming pools of varying depths and sizes dotted the stream.
Dale pointing to a dry waterfall chute.
We detoured off the stream to check out another waterfall.
A nice horsetail waterfall.
Group photo by Justin Hirako.
Fungus munching on fallen trees.
Cheese fruit from the coffee family. A tonic for your hiking ailments.
Our last stream crossing!
Rolling rain clouds had dropped and covered the mountains and trails with rain and water vapor.
Passing the water tank on our way out. It was heavily graffitied from taggers.
All bark and no bite.
The gulch waterfall hike covered 8.54 miles round trip. Post hike meal at North Shore Tacos. Known for their fish tacos and lemonade. Only tried the tasty beverage.
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