Walk around Oahu (Kapolei to Maili)

by kenji SAITO on March 2, 2025

A group of us gathered to walk and ride in the same day.



Last chance to get breakfast as we started our walk. Thanks to Dale for picking up Susan from our end point.



Playing in traffic.



Crossing traffic. Where are those JPO guards when you need them?



Headed to the town that gets a bad rap and I feel that the locals there like it that way. Keeps the place from turning into another Waikiki.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Local flavor of the social media platform.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Too early to pay a visit to the face in the treehouse.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

The temptation of low hanging fruit. We are on the West side. Temptation refused.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Railroad crossing at Electric Beach.

Electric Beach

Electric Beach

Checking out the beach that is popular with snorkelers and marine life that are attracted to the warm water discharged by the Kahe Power Plant.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Walking on the train tracks of history.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Playing in the shallow end.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Leaving behind the Kahe Power Plant that first opened in 1963 and still supplies power to the island to even out the wind and solar generated electricity.

Black Rocks Beach Park

Black Rocks Beach Park

Dropped into the cove to check out the currents and views.

Black Rocks Beach Park

Black Rocks Beach Park

She sells seashells on the seashore
The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure
So if she sells seashells on the seashore
Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

Say it three times fast.



Waiting for high tide.



One can find church anywhere. On the coast. In the Mountains. In your heart.

The Mermaid Cave

The Mermaid Cave

Dropping in to check out the coral reefs carved and hollowed out by years of pounding surf. Also known as “Tunnels.”

The Mermaid Cave

The Mermaid Cave

360 degree photo of the spot that was once flooded with curious people wanting to check it out due to social media influencers. The novelty seems to have worn off probably much to the relief of the nearby residents.

Kalaniana'ole Beach Park

Kalaniana’ole Beach Park

Nobody offered food to us traveling hikers, I guess they were pretending to be deaf.

Kalaniana'ole Beach Park

Kalaniana’ole Beach Park

Harder than it looks. Protect your family jewels.

Kalaniana'ole Beach Park

Kalaniana’ole Beach Park

Susan claimed this was the cleanest bathroom on this side of the island. We’ll just have to taker word for it.

Kalaniana'ole Beach Park

Kalaniana’ole Beach Park

Somebody had their head up so far up Ferlino’s arse, that he was forced to grab the banyan tree roots.



Walking past a mural decorated with the paintings of famous local musicians and singers from the West side.

Nanakuli Super

Nanakuli Super

I think you’re closer than 50′ feet Dale.

Nanakuli Super

Nanakuli Super

Somebody else should be holding this capsule toy. Somebody that fits the definition of a pinay. Not to be confused with Winnie.



What happened to Mike’s Bake Shop? The times they are a changing.



Mailbox sighting of the world famous beagle who first appeared in 1950.

Farrington Highway

Farrington Highway

Is it T-Mobile Tuesday? No, it’s just Sunny Sunday.



Thanks to Dave and Susan for the rides back to our cars where we finished under the shadows of the pillboxes above us.

GPS Tracks

GPS Tracks

Our sixth installment in the island perimeter walk covered 9.3 miles with fun friends.

Hawaiian Railway Society

Hawaiian Railway Society

Most of us drove over to Ewa to check in for our 1:00pm train ride where Chris and Jasmin joined us. No kama’aina discount. Just senior discount. Mari shared the mochi that Dale brought for Girl’s Day. Boys can eat too.

Hawaiian Railway Society

Hawaiian Railway Society

Killing time by taking pictures of the vintage trains scattered around the yard, most of them date back to the 1880s.

Hawaiian Railway Society

Hawaiian Railway Society

All aboard!

Hawaiian Railway Society

Hawaiian Railway Society

We all enjoyed the one hour ride on the narrow gauge tracks that took us all the way to Electric Beach. No stop for ice cream at Ko’olina. Only the 3:00pm rides do that.

Hawaiian Railway Society

Hawaiian Railway Society

The return trip took half the time as we watched the same scenery unfold before us.

GPS Tracks

GPS Tracks

Our train ride back in time covered roughly 13 miles round trip. It’s hard to believe, but the year 1898 saw the completion of the Oahu Railway and Land train line that stretched from Iwilei to Kahuku.



Post train meal at the newest Japanese export store in Kapolei. Fun times.

Photos taken by Akira Suzuki, Chris Bautista, Dale Yoshizu, Ferlino Carinio, Jasmin Carinio, Mari Saito, Susan Katz, Tessa Bugay and yours truly. Not necessarily in order.

Note: I have been made aware that some hikers have been using my blog as a hiking guide and getting lost on the trails. Please note that this blog was made to document the hike for the crew(s) that did it. That is why some of my comments will seem to have no relevance or meaning to anybody outside of the crew(s) that hiked that trail. My blog was never meant as a hiking guide, so please do not treat it as such. If you find inspiration and entertainment from these hikes, that is more than enough. If you plan on replicating these hikes, do so in the knowledge that you should do your own research accordingly as trail conditions, access, legalities and so forth are constantly in flux. What was current today is most likely yesterdays news. Please be prepared to accept any risks and responsibilities on your own as you should know your own limitations, experience and abilities before you even set foot on a trail, as even the “simplest” or “easiest” of trails can present potential pitfalls for even the most “experienced” hikers. One should also always let somebody know of your hiking plans in case something doesn’t go as planned, better safe than sorry.

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