The goal of the hike was to get a close shave on the mountains today as Jasmin dropped Ferlino and myself off in the valley of screaming peacocks. Photo by Aida Gordon.
We were pleasantly surprised to see Aida, Analyn, Anne and Art chasing the preening peacocks for their photographs and not their feathers. Photo by Anne Fai.
Crossing the bone dry stream bed.
We saw taro. Laulau poke. We saw papayas. Now all we needed were chickens.
No walking tours today.
This is what happens when you have an early release of inmates due to unfounded fears of COVID19. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Following the bottlecap breadcrumbs through the forest as we picked up the trail.
Going up the steep hill. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Taking a shaded break before heading out onto the exposed ridge. Photo by Anne Fai.
Hope everybody slathered sunscreen on their exposed epidermis. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Ferlino holding up the side of the rocks so that we could safely pass through. Photo by Art Young.
Panoramic view of Makaha Valley.
A hole in her heart. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Aida climbing up one of many rock faces. Photo by Art Young.
Contouring and climbing over the rocks. Photo by Analyn Baliscao.
The group climbing up against the backdrop of the fluted flanks flowing down from Ohikilolo Ridge.
Gaining elevation as we climbed up the rocky ridge line. Photo by Analyn Baliscao.
The group climbing over the serrated rock section. Photo by Analyn Baliscao.
More climbing and contouring on the ridge line.
Taking a well deserved break. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Burrowing our way through the tree line. Photo by Analyn Baliscao.
Anne sitting on her “chair.” It was much more comfortable sitting on a pile of rocks than a thorny cacti. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Scrambling up the ridge line.
Giving a helping hand. Photo by Art Young.
Analyn lending a helping foot? Photo by Art Young.
Short scramble up to the terminus. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Analyn pushing her way through the clump of pine trees.
It would help if you take off the bottle cap. Photo by Anne Fai.
Group photo left to right: Ferlino, Anne, Analyn, Aida, Art and myself.
The scenic views were too much to pass up for the group. Let’s take a bazillion photos.
Leaving the photo shoot behind us as we left the terminus.
Working our way through the overgrowth. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Looking up at another scenic spot. Translation to mean more photo shoots.
Art perched on the spot overlooking the giant notch we had to climb down and up. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Scrambling down to our lunch spot. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Let’s take a break. Any objections?
Settling down amongst the rocks for lunch and a free show. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
The free show was over. Got a buck?
The group contouring their way carefully around the boulders perched on the edge.
Scrambling our way towards the big climb of the day. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Everybody did a great job of climbing up the notch, but nobody collected ten points today.
Top down view of the group clustered at the notch.
Contouring around the awkward rock. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Shaka on the rocks.
Art and Ferlino giving Aida two pairs of helping hands. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Traversing the boulder capped ridge. Photo by Aida Gordon.
The ridge was liberally sprinkled with just enough annoying overgrowth mixed in with odd sized rocks. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Art and Aida climbing over the smaller rocks to get to the bigger rocks. Photo by Ferlino Carinio.
Last climb. Going up. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Shaka in the mountains. Photo by Analyn Baliscao.
Aida threading her way through the tangled thicket of tree branches.
Meaningful and meaningless conversations over lunch. Are you paying attention Art?
Leaving the summit behind us as it was all downhill from here.
Art climbing his way down against the backdrop of the wide spread of the Waianae Mountains. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Analyn climbing her way down from the tricky crack.
Touch, but don’t look. Oh wait, was it the other way around? Photo by Art Young.
Are you sure this is the right way down? Photo by Aida Gordon.
Descending down the rocky dike of a ridge. Photo by Art Young.
Ferlino against the backdrop of the largest coastal valley on the island.
Art wanted a piece of the action as well.
It’s easier going up than coming down. Photo by Aida Gordon.
The group climbing down the ridge, one foothold and handhold at a time. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Anne emerging from the bushes.
The group contouring around the ridge line as we dropped back down into the valley. Photo by Aida Gordon.
Coming down the firebreak.
What are you waiting for? An invitation? Hurry up and help us pick the parya leaves. Photo by Art Young.
Thanks to Jasmin for picking up our group with their freshly picked bitter melon leaves.
Our ridge to ridge hike covered 5.6 miles through sessions of rock climbing, scrambling and stunning valley views. Post hike meal at Jollibee where too many customers in the car made for a confused drive thru cashier. Thanks to the fun group that provided loud laughter outside and inside.
Note: I have been made aware that some hikers have been using my blog as a hiking guide and getting lost on the trails. Please note that this blog was made to document the hike for the crew(s) that did it. That is why some of my comments will seem to have no relevance or meaning to anybody outside of the crew(s) that hiked that trail. My blog was never meant as a hiking guide, so please do not treat it as such. If you find inspiration and entertainment from these hikes, that is more than enough. If you plan on replicating these hikes, do so in the knowledge that you should do your own research accordingly as trail conditions, access, legalities and so forth are constantly in flux. What was current today is most likely yesterdays news. Please be prepared to accept any risks and responsibilities on your own as you should know your own limitations, experience and abilities before you even set foot on a trail, as even the “simplest” or “easiest” of trails can present potential pitfalls for even the most “experienced” hikers.
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
Thsnk you for another great adventure and helping me push against the boundaries of my comfort zone! Was laughing at a lot of the captions and my chest still hurts! Until rhe nexr one!
Aloha Aida,
Thanks, glad it made you laugh and not sad. See you on the next one!
So funny with the word bazillions pictures ????????
And the picking parya leaves ????
Fun time as always with good company..
Aloha Anne,
Thanks, yup fun times as always.
Thank You for this Great Experience.
Aloha Ferlino,
Thanks again for your fun company!