Plans changed. From backpacking in Haleakala to a hybrid mix of sorts. All fun in the end.
Chico, Ferlino, Mari, Sandra and myself flew over to the airport that was first built in 1942 as a naval air station.
Catching the blinding sunrise on the Valley Isle. Where is Ferlino?
One of these is not our rental car for the weekend.
Traveling through the town that was built by the sugarcane industry.
We had our breakfast at the homey hole in the wall restaurant stuck in the 1950s.
Stopped at this scenic point on our way to Lahaina.
Group photo in front of the 20′ concrete tower that was built in 1915 that replaced the original 32′ mast that was established in 1906.
We were hoping for a glimpse of whales that migrate to the warm shallow waters of Maui during December to April. We were too early, but we did see something breach.
Too early for lunch and too far from where we wanted to see.
We moved our cars and parked near a luxury hotel and walked to the ocean to where we saw what happened when lava flowing to the ocean met strong winds and surf. This resulted in the lava formation that looks like jagged teeth.
Somebody was looking for opihi at Makaluapuna Point. Gathering these native limpets found nowhere else in the world can be hazardous as they make their home amongst the wave swept rocky habitats of tidepools and beaches.
Walking the white coral circular maze constructed by an an anonymous builder in 2005.
Standing in the middle of the maze that offers many things to different people.
We ate our lunch at the nearby restaurant that overlooks the Kapalua Golf Course, which is unique amongst the PGA Tour courses as it plays to par 73. Not a golfer. Greek to me.
It was hard to comply with this request due to the extremely narrow winding roads with multiple blind turns and the absence of using our horn to alert other oncoming vehicles might have necessitated the use of our insurance.
We passed Kahekili’s Leap and saw cows or goats down in the low lying coastal areas, depending on whom you asked.
Stopped at this exposed cliff that had dozens of names carved into the soft dirt.
We decided to engage in this type of “sustainable graffiti” as well. Weather and erosion will eventually clean the slate for future travelers.
Driving into the town that was once home to immigrant plantations. My grandparents settled here and are buried in the nearby cemetery. Now it’s a trendy surf town. We checked into our airbnb home that was still in the process of having its locks changed out and the tv didn’t work as well. Welcome and make yourself at home.
Ferlino and Sandra decided to check out the sunset at the house of the sun, while the rest of us opted to relax in the house for the night. They also helped a hapless heffer back into the pasture by scaring it silly.
Unlike the more popular sunrise, watching the sunset does not require a permit.
Sandra made a new canine friend and ran into a two legged friend from Germany.
Stargazing at over 10,000′. Somebody should have brought a sweater or jacket. Lesson learned.
Chico and I decided to walk to the nearby town to have our dinner at the fish market. Mari decided to take a nap.
I guess this is what passes for entertainment in small towns.
Back at the house, we played miniature ping pong and everybody had a chance to be a shithead before turning in for the night.
Photos taken by Chico Cantu, Ferlino Carinio, Mari Saito, Sandra Walters, and yours truly. Not necessarily in order.
Note: I have been made aware that some hikers have been using my blog as a hiking guide and getting lost on the trails. Please note that this blog was made to document the hike for the crew(s) that did it. That is why some of my comments will seem to have no relevance or meaning to anybody outside of the crew(s) that hiked that trail. My blog was never meant as a hiking guide, so please do not treat it as such. If you find inspiration and entertainment from these hikes, that is more than enough. If you plan on replicating these hikes, do so in the knowledge that you should do your own research accordingly as trail conditions, access, legalities and so forth are constantly in flux. What was current today is most likely yesterdays news. Please be prepared to accept any risks and responsibilities on your own as you should know your own limitations, experience and abilities before you even set foot on a trail, as even the “simplest” or “easiest” of trails can present potential pitfalls for even the most “experienced” hikers. One should also always let somebody know of your hiking plans in case something doesn’t go as planned, better safe than sorry.
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