We arrived in Japan sandwiched between two typhoons. Wunderbar. We had two days before our third climb up to Mount Fuji. Mari was checking on the constantly changing weather forecast. Clear. Cloudy. Rainy. Clear. Cloudy. Rainy. Guy Hagi is alive and well in Japan. As a precaution, we had even booked another day in case the weather looked bad. In the end, we decided to go for our originally planned day and hoped for the best.
The two hour bus ride took us from sweltering Shinjuku to the lush forests of the Fuji Hakone National Park as we slowly motored our way up to the 5th station perched at 7,545′ elevation.
We got off the bus and enjoyed the cool air and scenic cloud capped mountain views.
The mountain. The mountain. The mountain. Crystal clear.
We pushed off at 10:40am, after having spent the suggested 45 minutes getting used to the thin mountain air.
Some people prefer to do their walking with hooves. Clip clop.
Most of the day tourists stopped here or took the lower trail. From here on, it was mostly hikers going to the summit.
Time to break out the hiking sticks. Serious hiking ahead.
The mountain silence was interrupted by the blaring multi-lingual PA system which encouraged hikers to use the tunnels to avoid falling rocks.
It’s pretty hard to get lost on this trail.
Mari making her way up to the Mt. Fuji Safety Guidance Center; where maps in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean are available. Pidgin map coming soon.
Hiking the wall less traveled. Until somebody yelled at me to get off the wall. Thanks Mari.
Back and forth. Zig and Zag.
Mari had eaten some dried mango earlier and it did not sit well with her, which made her slightly nauseous. She initially thought it was altitude sickness and would not be able to complete the climb to the top which would have been a huge disappointment for her. After sucking down some canned oxygen, her stomach settled down and it was back to climbing. Big sigh of relief.
The clouds parted to reveal the beginning of the climbing huts that offered rest, snacks and stamps if you had the yen for it.
Mari arriving at the first hut, Hana-goya. It was still a cool and comfortable 69 degree Fahrenheit. Nice relief from the sauna that was baking the city down below us.
Taking a break from the switchbacks.
Clouds started to roll up the mountain, blotting out the views.
The temperature was unseasonably warm at this altitude. Last year at this same altitude, we had already donned our fleece sweaters. Not this year. Still cool and comfortable.
Hmmm, let’s see. Water for $3. Sunglasses for $4. Beer for $5. Chips for $2. Red Bull for $3. Fish sausage for $1. How much for the vintage hut sign?
Up, up and away.
Looking down at the huts perched on the side of the volcano.
Resting at 9,154′ elevation. Getting higher.
I preferred climbing up the rocky sections over the numbing switchbacks anyday.
The gate is rebuilt every 60 years. Is it time?
Most of the huts had informational signs to read up on the history of the mountain. Too bad I’m illiterate.
Clouds literally rolling down the mountain side.
Going up one rock at a time.
Looked like the crew and cast of Extreme Hut Makeover paid this hut a visit. New siding and flooring.
Pockets of bright yellow flowers stood out from the barren volcanic landscape.
Hikers climbing towards the sun.
The sky’s so blue and bright, I gotta wear shades.
Two holes. One in the head and one in the mountain.
All smiles.
The weather was still cool and comfortable at the 10,170′ elevation.
The weather continued to hold strong and promising for us.
The frequent spacing of the huts provided good excuses to stop and take a breather in the thin air.
Mari still going strong. Second wind.
Back on the switchbacks. Ugh.
Let’s eat something. Not dried mangoes.
High above the clouds.
Started to get a little chilly at 10,662′. Time to dig out the sweaters and jackets.
Mari praying for the good weather to continue.
Where are we on the map?
Looking back at Lake Yamanaka, one of five Fuji lakes and the largest. Still got to visit at least one of them.
The final push up the stone steps as the bright blue sky beckoned us.
Hotel or hut? Don’t expect turndown service.
We checked in at our hut at 4:40pm. Just in time for dinner. TV dinner. Temperature was a comfortable 54 degree Fahrenheit at the 11,154′ elevation.
Checking out how far we had climbed up the mountain.
Hut reservations were down due to unfounded fears of a possible eruption. More room for us. We got our own six person compartment all to ourselves. Just like a private room with its own view. The Hawaiian Host macadamia nut chocolates probably didn’t hurt either.
I noticed the rows of climbing helmets hanging from the ceiling in case of an eruption. Last recorded eruption was in 1707. There have been talks of a potential eruption due to the recent earthquake back in 2011. Hmmm, what are our helmet sizes?
Click here for the larger image.
Mirror, mirror on the mountain. Mount Fuji cast her impressive shadow on the clouds as the sun set behind us, it was one of the highlights of the climb. Quite the show.
We went to sleep early watching the twinkling Tokyo city lights.
Nothing like waking up at 1am on top of a freezing cold mountain. Thank goodness for heated toilet seats.
We joined the slow, shuffling line of hikers making their way up the mountain. Let’s keep the line moving folks.
8.5 Station. Where is the other half?
Hiking up the mountain while the rest of Japan slept.
Are we there yet?
No more stations or huts until we got to the summit.
We quickly took our picture next to the pair of stone statues that sat perched below the final torii gate before the summit, before we got run over by the hikers behind us.
The stream of illuminated hikers making their way up.
Arrived at the cold and dark summit at 3:20am. The only illumination coming from a pair of vending machines. Refreshing and uplifting!
Scattered, huddled and bundled hikers tried to find any kind of shelter to get out of the wind chill. It was cold. Ice cold.
As we waited for the goraiko or arrival of the sun, I was holding a hot can of cocoa trying to transfer the slowly dissipating heat to my numb hands.
Our 4:38am sunrise. Not a bad view from our 12,389′ perspective.
Our three year journey finally paid off. The first year we got a glimmer. The second year we got sunbeams. This year we finally got the whole show.
Third time was the charm! The summit was storm and cloud free!
Now it was time to get out of the biting cold wind and slurp down $7 bowls of pork miso soup to warm our bellies. Once you sat down in the huts, it was hard to get back up and go out into the cold.
The gusting winds were pushing us around something fierce, so we didn’t get to traverse around the crater rim known as ohachi-meguri and her eight peaks. Next year.
We pushed off at 6:20am from the summit to make our way down the Yoshida trail, as fine volcanic dust washed over us. We needed a shower, but not that kind.
Sliding, walking and falling down the volcanic ash covered trail. Not necessarily in that order. We didn’t run across any patches of snow this year. Blame everything on global warming.
Click here for the larger image.
One of the advantages of staying at Tomoe-kan is that you can leave your backpack there and travel lightly to the top. Then as you make your way down, the trail intersects with the hut again and you can pick up your backpack. Well not everybody. Somebody has to be the Sherpa. Guess who?
Miniaturized heavy equipment making their way up. This is how the trails are maintained, supplies are delivered and sick people taken down.
Mari took the last opportunity to use the bathroom before the final push back down. Make sure to donate 200 yen.
Thank you Ministry of Environment.
The horse guys thought they had some customers. Guess again. Just water please.
Next year.
Just a little bit more.
Splash of color.
Our third time up Fuji, where we finally got treated to the sunrise that had eluded us twice before. Finishing the sunrise hike was made even more special to Mari, as she had trouble walking eight months earlier and was worried that she would not make it up her favorite mountain this year.
Our climb up and down Fuji covered only 8.04 miles roundtrip with an elevation gain of 6,650′, which made the hike seem longer than it should have been. We had two hours to kill before our bus ride back to Shinjuku, so we had our post hike meal of katsu curry and udon noodles. Back for more next year? Yup, as there are at least three other trails to explore that goes up to the summit.
{ 87 comments… read them below or add one }
Mari (and Kenji): What a terrific climb! Photos are beautiful and gave me the feeling of being there with you. Glad you saw the sunrise. It parallels the sunrise over Haleakala. Thanks for the armchair travelogue. John
Aloha Carol and John,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes we are really, really, really glad we saw the sunrise this time!
Wow, beautiful pictures. It looks like you two had a great time hiking, exploring and enjoying what Japan has to offer. Thanks for sharing.
Howzit Hiram,
Thanks for visiting. Yup, we had a great time and more importantly finally caught that elusive sunrise!
Looks like a great trip! Adding to bucket-list. I hiked Mount Tai Shan in China back in 1999 (basically 5 miles of stairs) but Fuji looks way, way better.
Aloha Nate,
Thanks for stopping by. I guess got to add Mount Tai Shan on my bucket list!
Kenji and Mari,
Awesome hike! Looks like it was fun. Hope to see you folks soon…
Aloha Kelly and Junko,
Thanks, it was an awesome sunrise hike. Yup, we should get together soon!
Wow… Finally Sunrise! Awesome Hike !
Nice trek Mari and Kenji! Next stop Kalihi Saddle!
Aloha Chris,
Thanks, only if I piggyback her! Don’t think so!
Third time’s a charm!!!! Great photographs and write-up!
So glad that you got to see the sunrise on this trip! Thank you for sharing
Aloha Rebecca,
Yup, finally paid off! Thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow!
Like I posted on your FB’s post, I’m planning to do it again at the right time of the year and hope to start from the shrine to the summit. Awesome photos Kenji. I’ll ask you more about planning to get the accommodation up there. I was staying at the 7th station because my tour group started climbing late at 2 pm. Of course I climbed up in the dark at 8 pm at the end. So this time, I’ll bring my own sherpa Brad and I want to start earlier like 6 am.
Awesome guys!! third time is a charm!! Totally paid off.
Aloha Tarnia,
Thanks for dropping by. Yup, let me know and I’ll do what I can to help you on your next hike. Great idea to bring Brad the Sherpa!
Hey congrats guys! Finally caught a clear sunrise! Kenji..now you gotta take Mari across the Ko’olaus! Lol..
Aloha Chris,
Thanks, finally got to see the sun. Only taking her on a plane ride across the Ko’olaus!
Wow, so awesome! I hope I get to do this one day
Aloha Heather,
Thanks for stopping by. I’m sure you’ll get there one day and have a great sunrise as well.
What’s the caveman qualifier for this hike. Seriously, looked like you had fun. Was this a tour led hike or on your own. I’d love to do this one year.
Aloha Stephen,
Caveman qualifier is Mauna Kea. Yup it was loads of fun and capped by a great sunrise. No we did it by ourselves, there are tour groups that go up though.
Thank you for the great write up and awesome pictures!! Now I have to take my wife there one day!
Aloha Tom,
Thanks for dropping in. Yup, got to do it at least once. You should join us next year July.
Wow what an achievement and memorable experience! Your experience/photos will be the closest that I ever get to the top of Fuji.
Aloha Susan,
Thanks! The hike looks harder than it actually is, we saw senior citizens and little kids going up and down. You should try it at least once!
What a beautiful hike, I’m in awe! Thank you very much for sharing.
Aloha Tammie,
Thanks for stopping by. We should hike a trail together with Ron!
Finally got to the top afyer 2 tries. Congrats to you and your wife for getting to the top.
Aloha Troy,
Thanks, it was intensely gratifying to be rewarded with the sunrise after two straight years of no shows.
Enjoyed looking at your photos. Glad Mari got over her sickness and was able to keep going. I?d better not eat dried mango if I go. Also, I?d probably get altitude sickness so would neat oxygen tanks for sure. Like the puka you was in front. Almost like the Pali Puka or Makapu?u Puka. Hopefully I?ll get to visit Japan soon and do that hike. I haven’t traveled to Japan yet.
Aloha Dale,
Thanks for stopping by. The puka was smaller than the ones found at Pali and Makapuu. Hope you visit Japan and Fuji soon!
Great pics Kenji. Is there going to be a 4th time up Mt. Fuji?
Aloha George,
Thanks! Yup, it’s going to be an annual hike for us. Plus there’s at least 3+ different routes to get up there. Still want to do it from the bottom one day.
????????Great pics bro! Brings back memories of hiking with you and the crew. I hiked Mt Fuji too…was awesome. 15 years ago so I need another memorable climb there.
I wrote “Urayamashii” hiragana…but came out as questions marks.
Have a good one
Aloha John,
Hey thanks for dropping by. Yup miss hiking with you. Maybe you can take me hiking in France one day!
True true, I need to discover the magic hiking of France. I’ve heard its unreal. Would be awesome to meet up there.
Amazing pics, great write up as usual. Now you guys can guide us! Stoked it all worked out. 3rd times definitely the charm!
Aloha Ryan,
Thanks! Yup we were super stoked that we saw the sunrise this time. Let’s go next July!
This time it seemed everything went just about perfect. The blue skies were gorgeous and if you did see the Japanese signs one would think you guys were actually hiking somewhere in Hawaii. Sounds like this is going to be somewhat of an annual pilgrimage for you guys. Great going guys and stay healthy so you can continue to take on this adventure.
Mari chan and Kenji san, Sugoiyo-! (Awesome!). I am glad that Mari chan recovered from the sickness and made it to the top. We feel we should try it one day. Thank you for sharing interesting pictures. I love the picture you captured of Mount Fuji’s shadow on the cloud. It was really cool.
Aloha Robert & Rena,
Yes everything seemed to all line up for this years hike. So glad that it did! It sounds like we will be doing it annually and the Fuji shadow is Mari’s favorite as well. Got do it with us one year!
Kenji and Mari,
Wow. Such a detailed blog! I will definitely use it when I go to Mt Fuji. I was actually thinking of taking Kiana next year as a “rite of passage” to college. You’ll have to tell me all your stories.
Aloha Rose,
Thanks! Let me know how I can help to prepare you and Kiana for her rite of passage!
Hi Kenji,Mari Beautiful pictures so clear and I love the comments . Sometimes the mango has Sulphur to preserve it was that the problem? You both are in Excellent Physical condition I Wouldn’t be able to do that Hike I ‘m needing to exercise regularly . Mari I’m glad that your foot problems are better!!!
Kenji you take neat pictures even the hikes on Oahu enjoy reading and looking at them!!!
Aloha Sandra,
Thanks for stopping by. Hmm, never thought of the sulfur, got to research that. I don’t know about being in excellent condition, but glad we made it to see the sunrise! You can do this hike cousin!
hi Kenji, It might be the preservative in the mango . I get that reaction so I don’t eat those dried fruits. I know my limits I’m walking to keep medical challenges away. I’m not into sweating. Busy but my Dr. said to me busy isn’t exercise I wish it was cause I would be so not aerobicly challenged. I love your captions ,wit, pictures are so crisp . I’m happy to hike /travel vicariously through you and Mari, yourself. Thanks
Wow, such beautiful pictures! I give you & Mari credit for making this journey 3 times! Don’t think I could do it. I’m glad you had great weather this time.
Aloha Linda,
Thanks for stopping by. It’s Mari’s favorite mountain hike now. Yes you can do it!
Kenji & Mari – so happy for you that your third time paid off. The first two times were just practice. It is always so great to live through your beautiful pictures and journeys.
Aloha Jody,
Thanks, we were quite happy too, to finally see the sunrise. Haha, that’s a good way of putting it – practice hikes!
Congratulations on your successful trek up Mt. Fuji to see the beautiful sunrise! Thank you for letting have a glimpse of your awesome hike through the wonderful photos. The shadow of Mt. Fuji on the clouds was unbelievable…what a treat!
Is Mari doing it a 4th time like you mentioned?
Aloha Darrick,
Thanks for visiting. Yes, the Fuji shadow is one of Mari’s favorite pictures of our hike. I think she is going to be making this an annual pilgrimage for her as long as we are healthy enough to do it!
very nice and inspiring pictures. make me want to go japan and kill myself with a heart attack on mt. fuji. i wish i was as young as you two. my daughter wants to go to japan in the worst way. i will tell her to go to this blog and to do this hike when she does eventually go. she’s 21 years old now — maybe a couple years younger than mari. vr. k
Aloha Kerwin,
Thanks again for stopping by. Age is just a number, you just have to keep on telling yourself that as you’re huffing and puffing up the mountain, haha. If your daughter needs any tips, let me know.
Kenji, Mari,
way to go. At least there was no clouds this time, beautiful sunrise.
Aloha Loren,
Yup, we were so glad to have a cloud free summit at sunrise time. Thanks for dropping by.
Glad you guys caught the sun this time! Beautiful hike!
Aloha Steve,
Thanks, we were quite happy to finally catch the sun!
Hi Mari and Kenji, the pictures are breath taking and so beautiful. I would love to hike Mt Fuji someday, I’ll have to put that in my bucket list. The sunrise, sunset, the clouds and the view from the top are so amazing, thank you so much for sharing your pictures, it’s so nice to see couples like you go for adventures such us this and having and enjoying every moment. Stay fit and looking forward to more pictures from your hiking trips.
Aloha Wilma,
You got to take it off your bucket list and just do it! Hoping to stay fit as well! Got to work to play! Thanks again for visiting.
wow, the view of “twinkling tokyo” amazing.
Third time is a charm ????
Aloha Genny,
Yes twinkle twinkle little star. Third time was the charm to catch the sunrise that we missed the past two years! Thanks for stopping by!
Mari-Mari & Kenji — YAY!! Third time is the charm!! So happy all of your persistance has paid off. What a beautiful sunrise! And you get your sunrise patch!! Thank you for sharing the pictures with us. Now Tanner has added this climb on his “Bucket List” of things to do…
Aloha Chris-Chris & Tanner,
Thanks for dropping by. Yes, Tanner, add this to your bucket list, do it one day and just drag your mom along with you. It will be fun!
Congratulations again 2 u both 3rd time is a charm…
Didn’t know dis wuz ur 3rd year wow awesome! I commend both of u on ur bravery, athletic ability, stamina, really beautiful weather 2015 crystal clear images looks like u guys were enjoying every step lol…my wife gives both of u alot of credit…once again thank you very much 4 sharing ur wonderful experience we both enjoyed it aloha…
Aloha Les,
Thanks for visiting. I don’t know about bravery and athletic ability, haha, but it was a fun hike and glad we were able to catch the sunrise this time. Good luck on the marathon this year and hope your break your PR!
Kenji and Mari,
Both the view and the photos were breath taking. My favorite image was the collage of sunrises from 2013-2015. I admire your stamina and commitment to share your nature moment with us.
Aloha Steve,
Thanks for dropping by. Yes, the credit for the collage idea goes to Mari. The drive was to finally see the sunrise! Hope everything is well with Brenda and yourself!
I LOVE your Mt Fuji blogs. Great pictures – my favorite was the one where the clouds were rolling down the mountain, and Mt Fuji mirrored against the clouds. It almost felt like I was on the hike too – except I my legs didn’t hurt, I wasn’t winded or out of breath, and it wasn’t “ice cold”.
Glad you guys finally got to see the sunrise from the summit!
Thanks for sharing – I’ll check back next year
Aloha Lissa,
Thanks for visiting. Glad you enjoyed your virtual hike, all the glory and none of the pain!
Beautiful hike! Makes me look forward and what I have to do when I go Japan one day! Need to send me your tracks when I get there! ???? Keep blogging!
Aloha Ryan,
Thanks for dropping by. Haha, no need tracks, just follow the trail up the mountain. You gotta start hiking with us again!
Hi Kenji,
Super cool hike and love all you guys pictures. Three time a charm for the Sunset
Aloha Jaz,
Thanks, it was cool. at the top!
Nice photo’s wish I could go.
Aloha Greg,
Thanks, in a couple years when you retire, I’ll see your grumpy butt up there!
Awesome Mari and Kenji. We go to japan every year. Will have to add this hike to the bucket list. Glad you were able to continue after feeling nauseated. That can of oxygen is amazing. Never saw anything like it before. Was that from a vending machine too. Lol …and the vending machines being up there is too funny. Glad 3rd time was a charm. Never giving up pays off in the end. Great write up.
Aloha Matt,
Thanks for visiting. She got the canned oxygen and oxygen tablets before we went up, but they sell them at the huts as you are climbing up. Yup, those vending machines are everywhere, you can’t even escape them on top of a mountain!
Great pictures! Very happy you were able to see the fantastic sunrise this time!! Thank you for sharing :):):)
Aloha Laura,
Thanks! Yes, we were tickled pink ourselves that we were finally treated to a mountain sunrise!
Hi Mari-san & Kenji- san. I have never looked the cloud down. It should be amazing feeling…only after hard work climbing up up up. I don’t think that it would happen to me, but I am happy enough to see your photos. Thank you so much !
Aloha Sakiko-san,
Thank you for visiting! Yes, it was quite an experience to see the clouds rolling down the mountains and especially the sunrise that capped off the hike. You should try it one day!
Mari-chan, Kenji-san,
Third time lucky. Thank you so much for sharing the splendid pictures and delightful stories!
Aloha Keiko-san,
Thanks for dropping by. Yes, we were very lucky to be treated to good weather so that we could finally see our sunrise!
Aloha! What a great blog! My friend Lissa sent me here, and I must say – you’ve changed my mind about hiking Mt Fuji… I was adamant I would stay in Tokyo while my husband and another friend took the climb, but after reading your blog and seeing the pictures of these well groomed trails, I’m confident with proper preparations I too can make the ascent! Thank you!
Aloha Candace,
Thanks for visiting. I’m glad you’ve decided to hike Mount Fuji with your husband. The trail is not that tough, we have seen hikers range from 8 to 80 years old going up and down. As long as you’re in decent physical shape and the main thing is getting used to the thin air. Have fun on the mountain!
Aloha Mari and Ken,
Thank you for sharing your experience. Your Fuji pics and captions are great. Looks like you had clear weather and ideal trekking conditions. If you are not aware of them, I just wanted to let you know of some other great trekking spots in Japan that we’ve gone to over the last 10 years:
Kamikochi (near Matsumoto): Fantastic climbs and mountain views during treks to Yarigatake, Karasawa and Okuhotakadake (3rd highest mountain in Japan).
Tsubakurodake to Jonendake: Ridge line trek with spectacular views.
Hakuba: Shiroumadake : challenging trail through a snow valley and then spectacular views from the summit (even the Japan Sea).
Tateyama Oyama: Easy access via the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route. Spectacular mountain views.
Thanks again for sharing. Please let me know if you need any info on the above.
Mahalo, Dennis
Aloha Dennis,
Thanks for stopping to visit. Yup we were so grateful and happy for the excellent weather that we enjoyed and especially at sunrise.
Thanks for the heads up on those other spots, we’ll have to check them out!