Koko Crater Rim Redux

by kenji SAITO on November 25, 2012

I met up with Glenn and Chris at the Koko Head Botanical Gardens to do a nice Sunday stroll up the entire Koko Crater rim, we have hiked up from the arch and from the tracks. But never have we completed the entire Koko Crater rim.

Koko Head Botanical Gardens and Makapu'u

Koko Head Botanical Gardens and Makapu’u

The grassy and kiawe trees eventually changed to the rocky and cacti inhabited rim of Koko Crater or Kohelepelepe which means traveling vagina. Take a look at Koko Crater on a topographical map and you will see why.

Cracked Rim

Cracked Rim

Going up the rim presents an interesting view of the fractured rim and presents numerous climbing possibilities. This is a different perspective of Koko Crater that you don’t experience if you just go up and down the tracks.

Kamiloiki and Kamehame Ridges

Kamiloiki and Kamehame Ridges

Our hike was blessed with a nice thick cloud layer which blocked most of the scorching sun rays. Unfortunately, vog conditions were in effect as well, producing hazy viewing conditions.

A little climbing

A little climbing

Heading to the lookout is a nice and steady climb up the rim, punctuated by several opportunities to rock climb or for those less inclined, to simply contour around.

Going into the bunker

Going into the bunker

We had brough headlamps and flashlights to root around these long abandoned bunkers at the top of the summit that was left over from World War 2. The tunnel leading to the bunker was actually very low, forcing us to crouch over as we stepped on scattered debris and rubbish on the floor that was partially illuminated by our headlamps.

Inside the bunker

Inside the bunker

If you’re claustrophobic and nyctophobic, going into these bunkers would not be a good idea. It was pretty cool and anti-climatic at the same time when we got to the bunker, as it was just filled with more debris on the floor and a shaft that went up to the surface. Two things prevented me from trying to climb up the shaft, the bottom part of the ladder was torn off and the middle of the shaft looks like it’s blocked by some sort of ventilation shaft.

Top of Puu Mai

Top of Puu Mai

The top of Puu Mai was teeming with hikers that had come up from the tracks. This hike gets a lot of activity, especially on the weekends. I can see why, as it’s a relatively short hike that has payoffs with great views waiting at the top.

Hanauma Bay and Koko Head

Hanauma Bay and Koko Head

As we started to climb down the rim, the plinking and cracking sounds coming from the rifle range were really cranking that morning. Must be a result of all those increased gun sales.

Counter-clockwise on the rim

Counter-clockwise on the rim

We spent some time at the top, checking out the views and enjoying the breezy tradewinds that had just picked up. Going down the rim, the rocky parts continued until the knob formation.



Once past the knob, the rim leveled off and it was a nice gradual slope on the way back down as we caught views of Halona Blowhole, Sandy Beach and the islands of Molokai, Lanai and Maui. We got back to our cars around 9:30am and had brunch at Zippy’s, thanks Glenn!

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dirt_ninja November 26, 2012 at 10:54 pm

Traveling vagina, huh!?…Lmao!! Shouldve put the sections that you and Glenn climbed up!


kenji SAITO November 27, 2012 at 5:03 am

Yup! Never really looked at Koko Crater from an aerial perspective and when I did, then you can see that it really does look like one. Glenn only wants pics if he’s climbing 150′ notches, lol! Thanks for coming with us on the hike!


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