Piliwale to Manoa Falls

by kenji SAITO on February 23, 2025

Hiking Piliwale to Manoa Falls

We carved out a chunk of the KST for Roger today. A very, very small chunk.



Missing the chairs. Development comes at a price.



Somebody got their own princess chair.



Passing underneath the powerlines. Time to cut back the brush.



We crossed over the Maunawili Demo Trail and began our ascent on the Piliwale Trail, that was pioneered by the legendary hiker, Silver Piliwale, hence the name.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Ferlino doing what he does best. Hanging from the “Octopus” tree.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

We climbed our way underneath the forest canopy over the rocks and under the hanging webbing.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Mis-matched shoes. No wonder I was slipping coming up to the notch. The bulb is dim with this one.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Tessa looking back at the divided hill.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Group photo on the postage stamp sized notch with the seemingly too steep Windward ridge behind us.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Dropping and contouring around the notch to begin our climb up the ridge.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Roger pulling himself up onto the rocks.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Can you see the hikers for the mountain?

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Looking back at CB with the twin peaks of Olomana and Paku’i behind him.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Roger coming up the “traditional” way.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Aida going the “princess” way.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

The steady inexorable climb to the summit as we slowly and surely gained elevation with each step.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Aida and Roger scrambling up the rocks.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Akira pulling himself up the ridge with the help of the trees.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Going up the “tricky” rock that gave some problems in the past, but somebody has kindly left webbing for others to use.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Tessa climbing her way up and over the rock.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Group photo on probably one of the narrowest sections of the ridge.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Some of these ropes are in bad shape, best to sharpen your climbing skills.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

The group enjoying a respite from the steep climb as they go over a relatively flat spot.

Piliwale Trail

Piliwale Trail

Approaching the junction with the Ko’olau Summit Ridge Trail.



The views were cooperating as we neared the summit of the highest peak on the Ko’olau Mountain Range.



Cooperation denied as we took our group photo on K1 at an elevation of 3,150′.



Traversing between the “two giant testicles” whose name originates with a Hawaiian legend that a giant threw them at a wahine he was chasing and they landed and became K1 and K2 respectively. I guess courtship was different back in the day.



Having our assorted lunch on one of the Schweddy Balls at 3,105′ elevation.

K2 Trail

K2 Trail

Descending down off the twin summits as “nana baket” trailed us in the back.

K2 Trail

K2 Trail

The middle section of the trail was deeply rutted and would give MMR a run for its money.

K2 Trail

K2 Trail

Winding our way through the mountains where we glimpsed Upper Lulumahu Falls flowing in the forest below us.

K2 Trail

K2 Trail

Passing a tent that sheltered either a homeless person or a hiker, regardless that person was probably TP’ing the trail with their used toilet paper. Not a pleasant sight.

Nu'uanu Overlook

Nu’uanu Overlook

Group photo with Dam #4 in the background that was completed in 1910 to prevent flooding and store water for the community.

Pauoa Flats Trail

Pauoa Flats Trail

We are here. Decided to take the slightly longer exit as the shorter one provided navigational challenges to our ride that was picking us up.

Aihualama Trail

Aihualama Trail

Ferlino proving that age is just a number.

Manoa Falls

Manoa Falls

CB standing in front of the 150′ waterfall that was barely flowing. Disappointed tourists in the house.

Manoa Falls Trail

Manoa Falls Trail

Our last group photo of the day underneath the lush landscape and towering trees that provided the backdrop for some scenes from Jurassic Park.

All pau

All pau

We waited with the mosquitoes and feral chickens at the end of our hike for our rides.

GPS Tracks

GPS Tracks

Our shorter than expected hike today took us from Maunawili to Manoa and covered 6.26 miles with a solid group. Post hike meal was at Plan B due to lack of parking. Better than expected food at Nishi Moncho Ramen.

Photos taken by Aida Gordon, Akira Suzuki, Chris Bautista, Ferlino Carinio, Roger Schiffman, Tessa Bugay and yours truly. Not necessarily in order.

Note: I have been made aware that some hikers have been using my blog as a hiking guide and getting lost on the trails. Please note that this blog was made to document the hike for the crew(s) that did it. That is why some of my comments will seem to have no relevance or meaning to anybody outside of the crew(s) that hiked that trail. My blog was never meant as a hiking guide, so please do not treat it as such. If you find inspiration and entertainment from these hikes, that is more than enough. If you plan on replicating these hikes, do so in the knowledge that you should do your own research accordingly as trail conditions, access, legalities and so forth are constantly in flux. What was current today is most likely yesterdays news. Please be prepared to accept any risks and responsibilities on your own as you should know your own limitations, experience and abilities before you even set foot on a trail, as even the “simplest” or “easiest” of trails can present potential pitfalls for even the most “experienced” hikers. One should also always let somebody know of your hiking plans in case something doesn’t go as planned, better safe than sorry.

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Ferlino Carinio March 2, 2025 at 8:18 pm

Nice write up! With the webbings and ropes this hike seemed like it got easier. Always a beautiful day with the group. Awesome views!


Roger March 3, 2025 at 9:07 am

Thanks Kenji. It was a fun day with great group….maybe next time we make it to Wiliwili….or not!


Wahinee01 March 3, 2025 at 12:52 pm

Thank you for the laugh Kenji.. those mix matched shoes and kuya being the NANA BAKET, man! I can’t stop laughing. You guys are so much fun to be with!


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