The next day, we all woke up refreshed, but apparently not refreshed enough to catch the sunrise this time around.
We all ate a hearty breakfast and nobody got left behind this time for going to the bathroom.
Hiking gear comes in handy when somebody can’t figure out how to get back to the room.
Exploring the climbing and bridge structure built back in 2001 by Tim Bynum.
Going down the slides built for kids and kids at heart.
Jump shot.
We joined the rest of the disappointed tourists to find out that the century old suspension bridge was closed for visits.
Panoramic view of the Na Pali Coast Mountains at the most Western point in the islands that the public can visit.
Panoramic view of the unprotected shore.
Group shot on the sand dunes populated with pop up tents and frisbee throwing beach goers.
Bill made sure that he got his money’s worth out of the rental Jeep as we bounced down the road much to the astonished surprise of an older couple driving past us.
We drove to a less crowded spot to take in the vast views of Waimea canyon and her cascading waterfalls.
Group shot with the 800′ double tiered waterfall in the background.
Looking out towards the highest spot on the island that feeds the waterfalls that cascade down to the Blue Hole. Photo by Cisco Quintanilla.
Chris looking out towards Kalalau Valley. Photo by Mia Garrison.
The falls had run dry so we just enjoyed the scenic views on the other side of the road. Photo by Bill Yogi.
We even had time to drive down the tunnel of Eucalyptus trees that were planted back in 1911.
The day was drawing to a close so we had our last meal in the overpriced town of Poipu before heading back home to reality. Thanks to everybody for making it another great weekend well spent.
Note: I have been made aware that some hikers have been using my blog as a hiking guide and getting lost on the trails. Please note that this blog was made to document the hike for the crew(s) that did it. That is why some of my comments will seem to have no relevance or meaning to anybody outside of the crew(s) that hiked that trail. My blog was never meant as a hiking guide, so please do not treat it as such. If you find inspiration and entertainment from these hikes, that is more than enough. If you plan on replicating these hikes, do so in the knowledge that you should do your own research accordingly as trail conditions, access, legalities and so forth are constantly in flux. What was current today is most likely yesterdays news. Please be prepared to accept any risks and responsibilities on your own as you should know your own limitations, experience and abilities before you even set foot on a trail, as even the “simplest” or “easiest” of trails can present potential pitfalls for even the most “experienced” hikers.
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