Got an invite to rappel Manoa Falls from Rob and Katy. Never visited Manoa Falls. Never rappelled a waterfall. Double check.
Jose and I waited for the rest of the crew which included Katy, Madeline, Orrin, Reuben and Rob to show up; so we spent our time swatting away mosquitoes and taking a survey about koa forests. Old or new? Old.
We shared the trail with a steady stream of tourists and locals.
The trail was shaded by a lush forest of eucalyptus, bamboo, guava and banyan trees.
After less than a mile, we reached the base of the 150′ falls. Orrin and Rob made their way through the crowds and plunged into the pool to cool off.
We left the popular watering hole and continued up a side trail.
The trail turned quickly from horizontal to near vertical.
Looking out to Manoa Valley. No crowds up here.
We picked up the trail to the right of the falls.
More vertical climbing up rocks and tree roots. One tree even had a boulder stuck in the branches.
Madeline climbing down a roped section. One at a time.
Jose climbing up a rock face.
We continued the trail to the left of the falls.
Good to have an arborist on the hike. Hand saw doesn’t hurt either in helping to clear the trail.
Katy and Orrin setting up the rope for the first rappel of the day.
Katy throwing the rope over the falls.
Madeline following Katy down the falls.
I got recalled from the edge to make sure my ATC was set up correctly. Better safe than sorry.
After everything checked out, I rappelled down my first 30′ waterfall.
Reuben making his way down.
Katy rapelling down.
Rob making his way back up the waterfall with the aid of an ascender.
Orrin was the last one down using the double rope rappel.
Rob and Orrin setting up the next rappel.
Still need more practice. Lots of practice. Photo by Orrin Nakanelua.
Jose making his way down to the base of the third 50′ waterfall. The pool was waist deep and cold. Ice cold.
The guava tree was solid. No worries.
Tabis helped to “walk” down the waterfall.
Rapelling down the 70′ waterfall. Photo by Jose Luis Delaki.
Group photo left to right: Reuben, Katy, Rob, Madeline, Orrin, myself and Jose.
Which GoPro to look at? So many choices.
Talk of rapelling off the main waterfalls was quickly replaced by rapelling off a tree. Just as fun.
Orrin lowered me down. He did all the work. I was just along for the ride. Mahalo.
Jose rapelling down the trail.
Thanks to roping down the trail, we were back on the valley floor in two shakes. Aihualama Trail? Another hike for another day.
Headed back to our cars through the primordial looking forest, guess that’s why they shot some scenes of Jurassic Park here.
Orrin warming up for his next wedding gig.
The hike into the falls and up the falls and down the falls covered a short 2.18 miles. I will never look at a waterfall the same way again! Thanks again to Rob and Katy for the rapelling invite. I may even get my own harness!
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