A gentle hill. That’s how Ryan described this little hike to Jose, Thessa and myself. A little something to get my hiking legs back in shape after a month hiatus nursing my bruised ribs from our last trail.
It was a late start in the day, as we started our hike tucked deep in Hahaione Valley.
Contoured around the water tank as we made our way up the spur ridge.
Ryan dubbed this route the “new mariner’s trail” due to its close proximity to Mariner’s Ridge which has been shut down.
A small rock face presented the hardest “challenge” of the hike.
A carpet of pine needles made for a somewhat slippery slope.
Looking back into the valley. Short and steep hike to get to the top.
Almost to the top. Time to check out the views.
Click here for the larger image.
It was a deep valley with a huge drop. Photo by Jose Luis Delaki.
Group photo left to right: Jose, myself, Thessa and Ryan.
No seat belts here.
The group making their way down to connect to the Ko’olau Summit Ridge Trail (KSRT).
Just a short cross over today. Photo by Thessa Bugay.
Looking along the Ko’olau spine.
Jose, Ryan and Thessa’s home for the night. Campfire pit was already made. Just need the marshmallows. Not for me. Dinner was waiting at home.
A rare glimpse of the “pale moon.” Photo by Jose Luis Delaki
Time to break out the headlamp.
Going down the trail. Under cover of darkness.
Anybody home?
Crossed the pallets and trees that are the stomping grounds for paintballers.
Popped out at the end of Hahaione Street. My car was still where I left it. Intact.
The short and sweet loop was 2.63 miles. A brief hike with good company that continued the party on the mountains without me. Good night!
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Hi Kenji. Can you pls email me this hike GPS? Thank you much, Kenji.
Hi Ani,
Are you stalking my hikes? LOL. Okay, soon as I swap out my computer.
Haha Ani, we should hike again soon. We go Diamond Head!
Okay most definitely Kenji