Having done Warrior Dash and Makahiki Challenge last year, I was not too impressed with the obstacles. They were both fun, but not that challenging. I heard the Spartan Race was different and tougher. When Chris put out the call to join his team for the Spartan race, I decided to see if the course lived up to its hype.
Kreyz Oshiro, radio personality from Island 98.5, exhorting everybody to be Spartans. Let’s do this!
Running and walking on the stadium stairs. Down. Up. Repeat.
Heading towards the spiral walkways.
Crawling and ducking underneath the strings.
Up in the nose bleed section.
Climbing over walls. At least no stairs. For now.
Making our way around the stadium.
Pulling up tires. Drop it slowly, otherwise get a nasty rope burn.
It was easier crawling down than up. Something to do with gravity.
Carrying buckets filled with sloshing water as we went down, across and up the stairs. Some folks carried two buckets. I was fine with my one bucket.
Scooting on small blocks across a wall and ringing a bell. Running around in a man-made maze in the stadium. Why does this sound Pavlovian?
Hoisting up a bucket filled with sand and rocks. They had lighter ones for women. Hope I picked the correct gender assigned bucket.
Swinging on the bars. Failure to be met with 30 burpees. Failure is not an option.
Playing Monday Morning QB. Yes, I’m using it out of context. Had nothing else. Literally. Drop and give me 15 burpees.
Trying to stick it. Nope. Drop and give me 15 burpees.
Let’s climb more walls.
Sitting on each chair in the row without using your hands. Pays to have a heavy bottom for this one.
Remember doing this in the movie theaters when you wanted to change seats without having to go back in the aisle? Finally paid off.
Over, under and through. Let’s try to follow instructions.
Start hopping and give me 15.
Drop and give me 15 burpees. Just because.
Climbing on either the knotted or un-knotted ropes. Ring the bell at the top. So close, yet so far.
Give me 15 release push ups! You don’t know what they are? Let me demonstrate!
Clambering up and down. Watch your feet, that’s my face.
“You’re almost at the finish line!” Get outta my way then.
Running straight down the middle to the finish line.
Group photo at the finish line, standing left to right: Albert, Sheldon and myself. Kneeling left to right: Chris and James.
Looking at a finisher riding the zip line. You had to pay $35 one way or $50 round trip. I paid enough already.
The course was a little over 4 miles, round and round through the stadium, which lived up to its hype. This was only the entry level course in the Spartan “Family” – the others being Spartan Super and Beast. Great fun with a great team. Next time, if there’s a next time, I will train and not just wing it.
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